Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nfu Oh 354

i have blings and i must use them.

this is my new manicure/nail art mobile station. i got tired of bringing out boxes from all over everytime i want to do my nails.

the shoe boxes contain my polishs, the bottom shelf carries my UV gels and light plus my acrylic paints.

some kitty pictures for your entertainment.

kitty is lying on my "great big french road trip" references that never got realised. i dug them out because we might be attempting to go this year.

does kitty not look like Toothless from How to Train your Dragon? all she needs now are wings, and maybe a dye job.

1 comment:

Jamilla Camel said...

Love the toes, your Kitteh and your organizer.

No, your kitty doesn't look like a dragon!