Sunday, June 14, 2009

color me rainbow

let me just say that this is not going to turn into a beauty blog. i'm probably not going to put up pictures of the EOTD or FOTD. i'm talking about it now because it has become my current obsession. so much so that i have been reading beauty blogs for months.. since last year.. not sure when. i'm not even sure how i came across them but it has since accumulated to me buying a whole lot of samples from Meow Cosmetics. A LOT. i have been been interested in mineral makeup for a while but the drugstore brands always have talcum in them (me dun like) and i'm not about to invest in a whole pot since i have no idea which color foundation to choose. (i always find foundations prescribe to me a bit lighter than my neck, although i agree that my face is lighter than my neck since i use heavy duty sunblock)
to cut the long story short. Meow has 86 foundation shades! even better is that they sell them in 1USD samples. ah ha ha ha ! i selected almost all their range except for some cool/nuetral pink tones. (me is yella)

all the foundations and concealers are named after cat breeds. how cute is that! i have to get them. i got me some chartruex, manz, korat, abynissian, siamese, mau, sphynx, bengal and ocicat. some of these are probably going to be a but gray on me but what the heck, how many times will you be about to go to a counter and say,"can i have a pinch of that to try?"

also, check out their eyeshadows. they have so many to choose from. i showed the site to the DH (in china btw) and he immediately knows that i will buy something. :P
yes indeedy, i went berserk and selected like 20 over shades but i stopped myself shrt since i have never used any MMU before. in the end i narrowed it down to 14. it's still a lot. and i got them in puuurl and sparkle. no matt.. oooopps.
i was originally lemming for the 88 eyeshadow palatte. i'm a sucker for colors. it's like when i bought my caran d'Ache 120 color pencils i kept staring at them. i kept staring at the 88 eyeshadow palatte. it says,"buy me buy me buy me..." all the them. but i shall resist. i have bought MEOW! MEOW! MEOW!

which now gives me the excuse to get some more brushes from Beauty & Minerals. it's big, it's fluffy, most important of all it's PINK. i need me some flat top for my new minerals. eh heh heh heh.

these were introduced to me via Askmewhats. she also introduced these fabric panty liners to me. the shop also sells Mooncups! wOOt! i've been lemming after them.

i've actually already registered and have all that i want selected in the shopping cart. i just have not checked them out yet because i'm reluctant to spend any money. the reason will be revealed soon.

i went into a Dior quint obsession for a while. they feel so comfortable on me eyes, except that they tend to crease on the edge of my eyes especially the glittery stuff. which led to me looking and booking a Too Faced Shadow Insurance. in the meantime i got the invisible powder and the other glittery eye primer. to cut the long story short, i got all of that in 2 months. maybe that's not a lot to some of y'all but to me it is, since the DH also helped me haul a bunch from Etude last christmas

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